An InFaith Ministry
Childrens Camp and Refuge
586 Camp Galilee Rd,
LaFollette, TN 37766
Horse Ministry

Unlocking Hearts and Bringing Healing Through Horse Ministry
Over the years, in working with children, we have had the honor and privilege of ministering to quite a few precious children whose hard circumstances had created within each of them such internal difficulties as severe fear, introversion, anger, insignificance, distrust, refusal to thrive, and even the inability to effectively communicate.
When given the opportunity to minister to each of these needs and knowing the joy that we had experienced in our own lives for years in working with horses, it only made since to join the two together. In each scenario, we witnessed as each, and every child began to grow in all of the character that comes with the responsibilities and purpose of caring for these gentle giants. They soon took on a newness of life, a new excitement. They began to trust again. They began to hope again. They began to abandon their anger and to heal from their deep hurts and fears. And most importantly, they began to love and to be loved again, as we ministered the love of Jesus to each one, through the conduit of riding and caring for horses. Over time, the fruit of our labor and the glory of God had become evident to us, as the parents or guardians of these newly invigorated children often return with warm handshakes and hugs full of gratitude with statements like, “I want to thank you! What you have done with my child has changed their life". These are the redemption stories we live for, and the kind of testimonies that create vision and purpose in our ministry!
Getting in the Saddle
Horse Ministry Fundraiser

In 2017, the LORD burned within us a new vision to officially incorporate horses into our ministry programs - for camps, and most importantly, for the greater purpose of The Refuge Children's Home at Galilee.
We faithfully started with what we have and introduced the horse program during Summer Camps 2021. It was such a big hit with all the campers, that we knew it was something only God could have envisioned. However, as with all big visions, we encountered big challenges and hurtles that require big faith to overcome.
But we serve a big God, and we are expectant of big solutions.
The greatest of these challenges pertain to lack of proper facilities, including:
1) Covered Arena- A covered horse arena to shade the staff, the campers, and the horses from extended exposure to the heat
2) Stables for safe and efficient care of the horses
3) Proper Storage for Tack, Gear, and Supplies
After much research and planning for our precise needs, we want to share facility sample photos and to ask for your financial assistance to help us build these facilities.
Volunteer labor has already been secured and scheduled to complete the project.
What we need now is to purchase materials.
Will you partner with us in becoming a financial contributor towards this amazing ministry?