An InFaith Ministry
Childrens Camp and Refuge
586 Camp Galilee Rd,
LaFollette, TN 37766

Norris Lake offers beautiful views as we navigate the waters with kayaks and canoes in our safe lake cove.

A good archer is known not by his arrows but by his aim. We aim to teach this lesson to all our campers and how they can apply it to life.

Water Activities
Campers enjoy a variety of water activities on the lake such as swimming, tubing, the water slide and our water trampoline.
Activities Program
We are blessed to be able to offer our campers a wide variety of activities at each camp. We strive to make the most of each moment by weaving character lessons and discipleship into most activities. Since our camp sits on Norris Lake, we benefit daily by dipping into the refreshment of the lake waters.

Horse-back Riding
Quickly becoming the top camper favorite activity, horse-back riding is now offered at all camps.

It is not the mountain we conquer but the doubt within ourselves. Hiking gives our campers the opportunity to experience the beauty of God's creation while getting some really good exercise.

Creative Arts
Though varying at each camp, creative art activities are presented for campers to express themselves through different forms of art.